Este artigo versa sobre o elo do Comando da Aeronáutica responsável por acompanhar atividades de obtenção de equipamentos ou serviços aeronáuticos de empresas transnacionais, bem como gerenciar as contrapartidas tecnológicas decorrentes de Acordos de Compensação (Offsets). Ademais, este trabalho considera a importância destes produtos para as Forças Armadas e o Sistema Nacional de Inovação, por meio de estratégias que permitam acesso a tecnologias diferenciadas. A Comissão Coordenadora do Programa Aeronave de Combate (COPAC) concentra atribuições para gerenciar processos de aquisição tecnológica e retroalimentar o sistema de inovação com o aprimoramento dos níveis industriais técnicos alcançados pela Base Industrial de Defesa. A pesquisa exploratória compreendeu visita à Comissão, observação de apresentações institucionais e entrevistas com especialistas das áreas técnica e de contratos administrativos. Foi consultada a legislação e normas vigentes, bem como artigos publicados sobre a atuação da COPAC. Como resultado, foram feitas considerações sobre Inovação Tecnológica, Estratégias Nacionais e Contratos de Offsets, destacando como positiva a gestão dos processos da COPAC para o aprimoramento do Poder Aeroespacial Brasileiro e, por consequência, para a Base Industrial de Defesa.
Palavras-chave: Produtos de alta tecnologia. Comissão Coordenadora do Programa Aeronave de Combate. Transferência de tecnologia. Offset.
ABSTRACT: This article is about the link of the Aeronautical Command responsible for monitoring activities of obtaining aeronautical equipment or services from transnational companies and the technological counterparts in Offsets. It considers the importance of these products for the Armed Forces and the National Innovation System for strategies that allow access to differentiated products. The Coordinating Commission of the Combat Aircraft Program (COPAC) concentrates assignments to feed back the system with perceptions of the technical industrial levels reached by the Industrial Defense. The exploratory research comprised a visit to the Commission, verification of institutional presentations and contact with specialists in technical areas and administrative contracts. Were consulted the legislation and current standards, as well as articles published for the understanding of COPAC's performance. The Conclusion synthesized considerations on Technological Innovation, National Strategies and Offsets Contracts, highlighting as positive the process management for the Defense Industrial Base and Aerospace Power.
Keywords: High-tech products. Coordinating Commission of the Combat Aircraft Program. Technology transfer. Offset
Palavras-chave: Produtos de alta tecnologia. Comissão Coordenadora do Programa Aeronave de Combate. Transferência de tecnologia. Offset.
ABSTRACT: This article is about the link of the Aeronautical Command responsible for monitoring activities of obtaining aeronautical equipment or services from transnational companies and the technological counterparts in Offsets. It considers the importance of these products for the Armed Forces and the National Innovation System for strategies that allow access to differentiated products. The Coordinating Commission of the Combat Aircraft Program (COPAC) concentrates assignments to feed back the system with perceptions of the technical industrial levels reached by the Industrial Defense. The exploratory research comprised a visit to the Commission, verification of institutional presentations and contact with specialists in technical areas and administrative contracts. Were consulted the legislation and current standards, as well as articles published for the understanding of COPAC's performance. The Conclusion synthesized considerations on Technological Innovation, National Strategies and Offsets Contracts, highlighting as positive the process management for the Defense Industrial Base and Aerospace Power.
Keywords: High-tech products. Coordinating Commission of the Combat Aircraft Program. Technology transfer. Offset
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