Este artigo visa compreender a estratégia russa voltada para o Ártico, na intenção de avaliar se as mudanças geoclimáticas provocadas pelo aquecimento global na região podem gerar oportunidades pertinentes para o crescimento econômico russo que contribuam para a retomada de sua hegemonia na região eurasiana. Na hipótese de que a Rússia, como membro mais influente do Conselho do Ártico, dotada da maior e mais tecnológica frota de navios quebra-gelo do mundo, pode se beneficiar das mudanças na geografia daquela região, tanto para exploração de recursos energéticos, como petróleo e gás natural, quanto no que diz respeito à abertura de novas rotas marítimas comerciais de grande envergadura, particularmente a Rota do Mar do Norte, este trabalho visa avaliar como o potencial existente na região pode contribuir para tornar a Rússia mais relevante no xadrez geopolítico eurasiano.
Palavras-chave: Ártico, Rússia, Eurásia, Passagem do Nordeste.
Abstract: This article aims to comprehend the Russian strategy towards the Arctic, in order to evaluate whether the geoclimatic changes caused by global warming in this region can generate relevant opportunities for the Russian economic growth that contribute for there sumption of its hegemony in the Eurasian region. In the hypothesis that Russia, as the most influential member of the Arctic Council, endowed with the world’s biggest and most technological icebreaker fleet, can benefit from changes in the geography of that region, both for the exploration of energy resources, such as oil and natural gas, and regardingt heopening of new large-scale commercial maritime routes, particularly theNorthern Sea Route (NSR), this work aims to evaluate how the existing potential in the region can contribute to make Russia more relevant in the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard.
Keywords: Arctic, Russia, Eurasia, NortheastPassage.
Palavras-chave: Ártico, Rússia, Eurásia, Passagem do Nordeste.
Abstract: This article aims to comprehend the Russian strategy towards the Arctic, in order to evaluate whether the geoclimatic changes caused by global warming in this region can generate relevant opportunities for the Russian economic growth that contribute for there sumption of its hegemony in the Eurasian region. In the hypothesis that Russia, as the most influential member of the Arctic Council, endowed with the world’s biggest and most technological icebreaker fleet, can benefit from changes in the geography of that region, both for the exploration of energy resources, such as oil and natural gas, and regardingt heopening of new large-scale commercial maritime routes, particularly theNorthern Sea Route (NSR), this work aims to evaluate how the existing potential in the region can contribute to make Russia more relevant in the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard.
Keywords: Arctic, Russia, Eurasia, NortheastPassage.
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